Spelman College/ Twitter The President of Kenya , Dr. William Samoei Ruto, visited Spelman College in Atlanta last week to solidify partnerships …

Various studies have shown that Gen Z and millennials are having less sex than previous generations, and usually that data is presented …

Getty Images For decades, Black women have been told that the negative health outcomes we face are our own fault. We’re fed …

I grew up in L.A. and have had most of the same friends since middle school. While a lot of us went …

While I thoroughly enjoy a faux glow that tricks others into thinking I just spent two full weeks OOO, I’d never been …

Walking into Dame Zandra Rhodes’ Rainbow Penthouse, I almost forget it is winter in London. It is a cold, grey day in …

If you’ve so much as logged on to TikTok or Instagram in the last month, you’ll have been bombarded with posts targeting …

If summer shopping is your thing and $100 is your budget, you’ve come to the right place. The internet is currently positively …

(Image credit: Ryan Pierse/Getty Images) It’s Memorial Day Weekend, which holds an even more special place in the hearts of motorsport fans …

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